Our political work
The German Offshore Wind Energy Foundation analyses, advises and addresses economic and energy policy developments and regulatory frameworks for offshore wind energy in Germany. Our political work is crucial to advancing the offshore wind energy industry in Germany and Europe and acting as its voice. In doing so, we are active in various areas, which are briefly presented below.
Participation in relevant regulatory and planning processes for the offshore wind energy sector.
The offshore wind energy sector is strongly influenced by regulatory and planning processes. Laws such as the Wind Energy at Sea Act (Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetz), spatial planning, land development and grid development plans set the framework for the development of offshore wind farms. The Foundation actively participates in consultation processes to ensure that the interests of all sectors of the offshore wind energy sector are understood and considered by political decision-makers.
Economic and energy policy analyses of preconditions, framework conditions and critical success factors.
The Foundation analyses facts and prepares information for our stakeholders in the form of statements, factsheets, lectures and studies. The transfer of knowledge from completed and ongoing research and development projects is also an integral part of our political work. The Foundation creates synergy and multiplier effects by making the expertise of our experts available to both the general public and political stakeholders.
Indirect participation through cooperation with other associations
Association work is a central component of the Foundation's work. For the purpose of knowledge transfer, discussion and coordination of positions, the Foundation works closely with many relevant associations:
- Renewable energy sector (in general): Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie (BEE) and the Bundesverband Windenergie (BWE)
- Offshore wind sector: VDMA power systems, WindEnergyNetwork, WindenergieAgenturBremerhaven (WAB), ErneuerbareEnergienCluster der Hansestadt Hamburg (EEHH) and Bundesverband Windenergie Offshore e. V. (BWO)
- Maritime sector: Gesellschaft für maritime Technik (GMT), the VDMA maritime systems, the Verband Deutscher Reeder (VdR), the Zentralverband der Seehafenbetriebe (ZdS) and the Verband für Schiffbau und Meerestechnik (VSM)
- At the European level, the Foundation is involved in various WindEurope working groups and cooperates with EuropaCable and ENTSO-E.
These diverse cooperations enable us to develop common concerns of the offshore wind industry from the sometimes diverse positions of the individual sectors and to represent them more effectively together at the political level. The Foundation is also the organizer of the association dialogue between the offshore wind-specific associations. Together we have a stronger voice for the offshore wind industry in political decision-making processes.
Holistic and overall economic view
A guiding principle of our political work is the holistic and overall economic consideration of current issues. We see offshore wind energy not only as a contribution to the energy transition towards climate neutrality, but also as an engine for economic growth, the creation of new jobs and an important contribution to an autonomous and resilient energy supply.
Overview of current key topics
- Integrated protection of critical energy infrastructure at sea
- Design and expansion of financing instruments for offshore development, especially for small and medium-sized businesses
- Contribution to the Alliance for Transformation at the Federal Chancellery
- Activities for a co-use solution between the naval arsenal and converter construction in Rostock-Warnemünde
- Shipbuilding for offshore wind energy
- Contribution to the development of the National Ports Strategy
- Representation in the editorial team of the BMWK for the National Maritime Conference
- Co-organisation of the Nordenham Offshore Conference
- Contribution to hydrogen regulation - National H2 Strategy, funding guideline
- Offshore H2, study
- Support of CableEurope on the topic "REACH Authorisation Procedure - Lead in submarine cables"
- Electricity Market Design
- KRITIS umbrella law
Feel free to contact us with any questions or get in touch with our Head of Policy, Andreas Mummert.