
Press release

01. March 2019

Joint workshop of the EU research projects MIGRATE and PROMOTioN in Berlin focuses on grid stability in the future energy system

The two energy research projects MIGRATE and PROMOTioN, funded within the framework of the EU research programme HORIZON 2020, are holding their first joint workshop today in Berlin under the title "Technical challenges and recommendations for the future European power grid".

In particular, the technical challenges of operating a future energy system with substantially lower system inertia than today will be discussed with representatives from politics, industry and academia. In a power system that will increasingly be based on renewable energy sources, issues relating to reduced system inertia and reduced short-circuit power have an impact on the existing AC grids stability and on the protection of future offshore HVDC transmission networks.

Finding a solution to these issues is decisive for the successful implementation of the energy system transformation and safeguarding Europe’s competitive industrial edge.

The workshop therefore discusses criteria regarding future system requirements for grid stability. Technological developments regarding protection and control systems as well as regulatory issues are focused on. Possible opportunities to enable the increasing share of offshore wind energy to play a role in securing the grid stability will also be pointed out.

The project MIGRATE aims to develop technical solutions to the increasing grid integration of power electronics interfaces renewable energy sources. The aim is to analyse innovations for the implementation of the energy system transformation in the electricity grid and thus for Europe's security of supply.

The PROMOTioN project addresses the development of meshed HVDC offshore transmission networks on the basis of cost-effective and reliable technological innovation in combination with a sound political, financial and regulatory framework.

Svenja Schneeweiß

Public and Press Information Officer

Mobile: +49(0)152/29 41 04 89


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