WindEnergy 2024: Panel discussion on the protection of the critical energy infrastructure at sea

At WindEnergy 2024, we had a great and insightful second panel discussion under the moderation of our Head of Politics, Andreas Mummert.
Many thanks to our excellent cast of panellists including Robert Fiedler from the Federal Police at Sea, Göran Swistek from Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, Dr. Liliane Rosssbach from Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr, Derk Jannsen from RWE & Mikkel Andersen from Ørsted, who contributed with their vast knowledge and experience to the success of the event.
We and our European neighbours have massive targets for expanding our critical maritime energy infrastructure, making the North & Baltic Sea to Europe’s powerhouse in the two decades ahead. At the same time, regional and global tensions are rising, accompanied by increasingly ‘unfriendly’ activities in and around this infrastructure. This has just been brought to public attention by the broadcasted report on the findings of the international research project “Russian Spy Ships” (German partners include ARD, WDR und Süddeutsche Zeitung), which analyzed more than 400 activities of 72 Russion ‘research’ vessels in the Baltic Sea.
Positive consensus of our panel nonetheless: action is urgently need, but without panicking. While we lack capabilities in some areas, we are much better and know much more in others.
Another positive development: exchange and cooperation between state security and private actors has and is increasing in this area quickly – on the European and German level. Civil-state cooperation is a key factor for leveraging short-term synergies (for example in the field of data exchange for already existing data) and in the long term for establishing a fierce protection system with combined measures of prevention, detection, deterrence, and reaction.
To support this, we urgently need to move forward in crafting a regulatory framework for the physical critical infrastructure protection that acknowledges and considers the specific, remote, and complex conditions of the maritime space. Many things are different at sea than on land.
Our Foundation is much looking forward in contributing to on-going efforts to move the subject forward.