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WindEnergy 2024: Panel discussion on the protection of the critical energy infrastructure at sea
At WindEnergy 2024, we had a great and insightful second panel discussion on the protection of the critical energy infrastructure at sea under the moderation of our Head of Politics, Andreas Mummert.
Find out more here!
Participation in the National Test Field for Offshore Wind Energy: Your test field, your innovation!
Do you have an innovative idea and can you imagine testing it on the test field near Warnemünde? Does your company or association want to get involved as part of a project development company or a future operator consortium? Then contact us!
Industry Conference WindEnergy Hamburg 2020 Goes Online
The industry conference WindEnergy Hamburg, which takes place every two years, will begin on December 1st online this year due to Covid-19 restrictions. The exposition will enable an exchange of the global onshore- and offshore wind industry until December 4th via an innovative streaming tool, WindTV.
Eight Governments pledge to kickstart offshore wind in the Baltic Sea
At an Offshore Wind Conference, hosted by the Polish Wind Energy Association (PSEW), high-level representatives of eight Baltic Sea countries and the European Commission signed a joint declaration to accelerate the build-out of new offshore wind capacities in the Baltic Sea.
Promotion final conference on September 21 (Online event)
The EU-funded Horizon2020 project "Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks" (PROMOTioN) will present its research & demonstration results and recommendations at a final online event on September 21st, 2020. Keynote speakers inclue Catharina Sikow-Magny (Director of Internal Energy Market of the European Commission) and Andreas Feicht (State Secretary of the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy). Videos from the technical and non-technical breakout sessions regarding detailed, conclusive findings are now available online. A last live Q&A session on the topic Offshore Grid Planning will take place on September 18th at 10 AM CET. Registration for the Final Conference remains open until the event begins.
The birth of offshore wind in Poland
On 1 July 2020 representatives of the Polish government and Polish wind energy industry signed a “Letter of Intent on cooperation for development of offshore wind power in Poland”. The letter lays out the foundation for the development of offshore wind in Poland.
Baltic InteGrid project presented as exemplary Interreg project
Within the Interreg programme, the Baltic InteGrid project was presented as an exemplary project. The OFFSHORE WIND ENERGY FOUNDATION as project partner was responsible for project communication and stakeholder management.
Transmission system operator Amprion presents concept for the Europe-wide networking of offshore wind farms
The Dortmund-based transmission system operator Amprion has presented Eurobar - a concept for the Europe-wide networking of offshore wind farms. The aim of Eurobar is to integrate offshore electricity into the European power grid in such a way that it makes an optimal contribution to the climate goals in Germany and Europe.
EU-funded PROMOTioN project postpones final event to 21 September
Due to the current pandemic crisis, the Horizon 2020 project PROMOTioN (Progress on Meshed HVDC Offshore Transmission Networks) has postponed its final event, which is now going to take place on 21 September 2020 as an online event.
WindEurope: Renewable hydrogen is key to unlocking the complete decarbonisation of European industries
WindEurope has partnered with seven leading industry companies as well as SolarPower Wurope to launch „Choose Renewable Hydrogen“, a joint initiative highlighting the crucial role of renewables to ensure economic recovery and effective climate policy in the European Union.

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