Recent job offers
We have no new vacancies at the moment.
However, sometimes an unsolicited application can be worthwhile, as we regularly have vacancies in project management for externally funded projects. As a rule, we are looking for humanities graduates, (industrial) engineers or career changers from related fields. What we cannot offer, however, are highly technical positions (e.g. for industrial mechatronics technicians and electricians); but we may be able to steer your job search in the right direction.
Study work at the foundation
We are not currently advertising any study projects.
Unsolicited application for a topic of your choice:
We do not always advertise the topics that are currently a focus of our work as student research projects. However, you are welcome to contact us with a brief presentation of your planned work and a short CV. If your thesis idea is accepted, we will offer you professional supervision (also as co-supervisor) and a one-off expense allowance of 650 €.
Interested in a career change or entering the offshore wind industry?
The offshore wind industry, i.e. the supply chain, the transmission system operators and the operators of offshore wind farms, are desperately looking for skilled staff.
There is always a particular demand for
- Industrial mechatronics technicians
- Industrial mechanics
- welders
- Electronics technicians for industrial engineering, electricians
- Engineers in any field, with or without professional experience
- Geographer
- Certain disciplines in the humanities, e.g. law, economics, but also disciplines that are traditionally required in the field of HR management/HR
If you are interested in starting or reorienting your career and need a few tips on potentially interesting companies, please contact us at info@offshore-stiftung.de