Offshore wind in the UK: Six offshore projects awarded - cost reduction continues
On 20th September the British government announced the winners of the CfD contracts for offshore wind farms of the "Round 3" projects. A total of 5,466 MW were awarded to 6 projects, the average price for all projects being 40.67 GBP/MWh (4.6 cents/kWh), with grid connection in the UK being part of the scope of the project. This represents a further cost reduction of around one third compared to the last round in 2017.
Four projects with a total capacity of 5,000 MW will be implemented at Doggerbank in the North Sea by SSE, Statoil and Innogy. The two remaining projects are off the coast of Scotland (Seagreen Phase 1 of SSE with 454 MW and the demo project Forthwind with 12 MW).